• 800-352-1472 or 212-391-2962
  • info@qualitycasting.com

The Changing Role of the Contract Caster

More than ever before, the contract caster is being called upon to be a one-stop source for all types of jewelry making operations. It is no longer enough just to provide quality castings at a reasonable price. Today’s casting house must be a virtual supermarket of services.From model making to finishing, savvy customers are outsourcing their production needs to the caster. Why go to a caster? Because he is right in the middle of the production cycle, and so is in a unique position to observe and influence every step of the process and apply his expertise to creating the best piece of jewelry with the least amount of headaches for the client. The caster is not then merely a caster; he is a solution provider.

So what distinguishes one caster from another? How should one choose between the growing legions of contract casters offering their services? There are several qualities one should look for in a casting house: experience and reliability, range of services offered, flexibility, and innovation.

Quality Casting Inc. has been furnishing the jewelry industry with fine quality castings for twenty years. From the largest manufacturer to the designer to the one-person repair shop, they treat each customer with individual care and attention. Each job, large or small, is treated with equal respect and importance. And Quality is well known for their superior ability to handle special orders. Their information management, organization, and computerized order tracking system allow them to give this specialized attention, which is unparalleled in the casting business.

“I was ready to have to fight for my work, I thought that I would be too small a user to get the kind of attention that I wanted,” says Cynthia Nockold, New York based designer & modelmaker. “I was honestly surprised at the support and the services that Quality had to offer.”

Quality never stops striving to refine their level of consistency, value and service, day in and day out. They continually upgrade their equipment, and even more importantly, their procedures and process controls, to remain at the forefront of the casting industry.

Owner and company president Carl Morfino reminds us: “Good customer service and sound technical advice are every bit as important as good quality product,” says Mr. Morfino. “I know other companies can cast platinum, gold, and silver. That’s no secret. We feel that’s not enough any more. Our customers are demanding more. What sets us apart is that we can receive, track and present information to our customers in a useful fashion that most other companies can’t. We are constantly revising our systems to accommodate our customers’ needs.”

General Manager Frank Bono adds: “Customers today want their work quickly, of course, but they also need instant information. They need to know when and how they will be getting their castings so they can schedule their time appropriately. And many of them require the expanded range of services we offer. We are providing model making, stone-in-place casting, and technical advice beyond casting questions; we’re even providing finishing options for our customers’ convenience.”

The Quality Casting formula. Providing solutions, information, and services in a single source for the needs of the jewelry industry.

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