To finish platinum – whether through hand polishing or mass tumbling – you first must understand the metal and its unique properties.To be successful in polishing platinum – which, like so many processes involving this popular white metal, poses special challenges –...
Finishing Finesse
GETTING A FINAL FINISH ON PLATINUM JEWELRY TAKES TIME, EFFORT AND THE RIGHT MATERIALS, BUT THE RESULT SHOULD BE AS FINE A FINISH AS ANY FOUND ON GOLD OR SILVER.Besides the casting of platinum, finishing or polishing platinum jewelry can be the most problematic process...
The Changing Role of the Contract Caster
More than ever before, the contract caster is being called upon to be a one-stop source for all types of jewelry making operations. It is no longer enough just to provide quality castings at a reasonable price. Today’s casting house must be a virtual supermarket of...
Getting Along With Your Caster
By Carl MorfinoIt’s Thursday afternoon. The wedding is Saturday and your caster still has not returned your order. What went wrong?Evidently there was a break down in communication somewhere, and at this point there is no margin for error. There’s still time to save...